13 Articles to Read Before Building a Startup by Artur Kurasiński


The post was originally published in Polish on Artur’s LinkedIn profile. Artur kindly agreed that we repost what we think is of great value to our readers.

13 articles to read if you’re preparing to build your startup:

  1. Peacetime CEO/Wartime CEO – What type of CEO are you? By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different leadership styles, companies can make more informed decisions about whom to hire and how to manage their teams. 
  2. Minimum Desirable Product – What is MDP, how is it different from MVP, and what is a Minimum Feasible Product?
  3. Zero to Product-Market-Fit – What is product-market fit and how can startups achieve it? Why collecting feedback and data from your customers is so important to build the foundation for long-term growth.
  4. What Is Growth Hacking? – This article describes the importance of data analysis and experimentation in growth hacking, as well as the importance of understanding your audience and their behavior.
  5. 4 Ways Startups Fail – A full overview of the main reasons why startups fail. You will also find practical advice on how to avoid these pitfalls.
  6. 53 Ideas to Get Your First Customers – A source of inspiration for entrepreneurs who want to acquire their first customers.
  7. Why Not to Do a Startup – A Comprehensive Guide for Startups. It discusses the importance of startups in solving real-world problems and creating real value for customers. What is a sustainable business model and why relying on external financing is a mistake?
  8. Startups in Machine Learning & AI – How to stand out in the maze of AI startups? Although the entry is from 2016, a handful of information is still important.
  9. The Seven Deadly Sins of Startup Storytelling – Stories in startups attract investors and customers. Mistakes can undermine the credibility of the message. You will learn about them in the article.
  10. Early Work – Paul Graham puts forward the thesis of how important it is to start your career early (not only entrepreneurs).
  11. Do Things that Don’t Scale – In this post, Graham shows the differences between product design and art, and how to approach product design.
  12. Strong and Weak Technologies – Chris Dixon introduces the concept of ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ technologies, where strong technologies are those that redefine the world around them, while weak technologies adapt to the current reality.
  13. How to Create a Winning Series A Deck – Practical tips on how to create an effective pitch deck straight from Carta.

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