8 Tools to Ease Your Chores by Artur Kurasiński


The post was originally published in Polish on Artur’s LinkedIn profile. Artur kindly agreed that we repost what we think is of great value to our readers.

Discover 8 tools that will make your mundane tasks easier and more pleasant:

  1. Songburst – An AI song generator that uses text-to-speech technology. You can describe the music you want to get – for example, a ‘calm piano piece’ – or use the prompt enhancement feature to clarify your instructions. The generated songs can be used to create content on social media, videos, podcasts, and even exported to streaming platforms: Spotify and Apple Music.
  2. There’s an AI for that – an online catalog that has over 12,000 AI-enabled tools and products. Updates are daily and the platform tracks over 700 different AI tools in almost 100 categories. It has almost 500,000 searches per day. 
  3. Reroom AI – an interior visualizer that provides photorealistic designs in various styles, using only the uploaded photo of the space. It will help you plan renovations and changes in interior decoration and. The app implies 20 different unique styles and the ability to save and share your rendered images.
  4. Motion – A productivity app that serves as an all-in-one tool for managing your day. It provides a minute-by-minute agenda for the day, including prioritizing and adding tasks to the calendar, calculating weekly tasks and meetings to create a personalized schedule, and handling scheduling and communication. The app can also be used to manage projects, calendars, and tasks, and serves as a virtual assistant.
  5. FormulaBot – Don’t know formulas in Excel? All you have to do is describe your sought end result, and the formula bot will prepare the formula in seconds. It works for both Excel and Google Sheets.
  6. Intellisay – a productivity tool that you activate by voice. It is designed to help you create and manage your daily tasks. It transcribes, analyzes the tasks spoken, and creates a daily schedule.
  7. AlternativeTo – Find a substitute for apps or programs. It’s a crowdsourcing site that helps users replace apps with which they’re not happy. You can vote and evaluate different substitutes, as well as propose your solution. It has apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  8. Hemingway Editor – write like Ernest Hemingway. The editor is easy to use and gives you a ‘bird’s-eye view’ of your text, highlights grammatical errors, and highlights hard-to-understand sentences.

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