“A Company Is a Family.” But Is It? by Szymon Janiak


The post was originally published in Polish on Szymon’s LinkedIn profile. Szymon kindly agreed to republish what we think is of great value to our readers.

When you deliver, you are a family. When you stop, you are a resource.

How many times have you heard that ‘a company is a family’? That ‘we all have the same mission here’? That ‘we should help and support each other in difficult moments’?

Szymon Janiak, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Czysta3.VC

Beautiful words. Until you are no longer ‘needed’.

I have been through it many times. As a young, naïve employee, when I thought someone cared about my health. As a fierce manager who brought fortunes to the company and hoped for something in return. As a member of the company’s management board who had to lay off a number of people. 

Because the truth is:

  • Your family won’t fire you when the budget doesn’t close.
  • The family will not say that ‘this is not a good time for a raise.’
  • Your family won’t replace you with someone cheaper as soon as the opportunity arises.

Don’t fall for big slogans when in reality your loyalty only works one way. Work is a transaction – you give your skills and time, the company gives you a salary and conditions for development. If this is not the case, perhaps it’s time to look for ‘another family’?

The comment section answers:

Slogans like WE ARE FAMILY are the biggest red flag. This probably only works in The Godfather.

Agnieszka Noworól, Customer Success Director at Muinmos

It’s probably the worst work environment when we hear that we are like a family. No, we are not and never will be. There are indeed companies with a family atmosphere, which care about people, but never say that they are like a family to employees. They show it with their actions, policies, and organizational culture, with support for the people who create the company.

Agata Duda-Bieniek, Legal Advisor at Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Agata Duda-Bieniek

‘A company is a family’ is just nonsense. I identify more with the statement ‘We are a (sports) team.’ You know, everyone with different competences, skills, and with the support of the coach we are going to achieve our common goal, which is to win a match or become the World Champion. One’s family isn’t going anywhere, it’s forever, but clubs have transfers.

Krystyna Biernat, Recruitment Team Leader at Britenet


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