“Full-Time Is F***ing Great” by Szymon Janiak


The post was originally published in Polish on Szymon’s LinkedIn profile. Szymon kindly agreed to republish what we think is of great value to our readers.

‘I work full-time and it’s f***ing great! I don’t want my own company. I don’t want to be at work all the time. I don’t want more all the time. I have my family, my passions, and I’m very much happy with my current life. I want to have as much time as possible to enjoy it.’

Szymon Janiak, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Czysta3.VC

Such a statement I heard recently in a conversation and it got stuck in my memory. It is a beautiful antithesis to a bizarre trend where suddenly everyone should aspire to be an entrepreneur. Full-time employment has become passé. It’s a job for someone else. This is the implementation of someone else’s plans. A modern form of slavery in the era of unlimited possibilities. My opinion? This is complete nonsense…

 There are thousands of great professions and places where work can account for a lot of satisfaction. You can successfully do your own thing without constantly worrying about revenues, fighting for customers, and problems with managing the company. You can also earn well, focus on what you like, and have a sense of stability.

 Let’s not hammer it into people’s heads that everyone must have their own company, because entrepreneurship is not a path for everyone and certainly—contrary to popular opinion—it is not a bed of roses. 

 There is absolutely nothing wrong with working for someone else. The only thing is to find people for whom we really want to work. Finding them can make a huge difference.

The comment section had to add:

We always work for someone who is willing to pay us for the value we provide. Full-time or own business – are only legal forms. The amount of time you spend at work is adjusted to the lifestyle you want to lead. If you put this in your head, the rest becomes easier. The problem, however, is that a lot of people either don’t know what they want, or are detached and have wishful thinking like ‘work half-heartedly but earn like a rock star’ or alternatively, ‘nobility does not work’.

Radosław Ruciński, Founder at WISER LEADERS

I have a feeling that in Poland and other places, we demonize our own business too much. Statements that there is no life on your own, that you work after 8 PM, that there are only problems, – I’m not saying that many people don’t experience it, but seriously? Personally, I run a company remotely, we are developing great, revenues are growing faster than I had assumed, and I close my laptop at 4 PM, same as the rest of the team. Of course, I have different thoughts, plans, ideas that sometimes come up in the evening, in the morning or on vacation. But it’s not at the expense of free time and family in any way. It is possible too.

Marta Bartosik-Piotrowska, CEO and Author at Emocjolandia

I often hear a question: ‘If you have experience and knowledge and you can generate profits, why don’t you run your own business?’ My answer may be self-apparent: not everyone has to set up a company to have a real impact on its success.

I have great respect for entrepreneurs – those who courageously start from scratch, taking risks and building something of their own. However, this is not my way. My talent and passion is to support, develop, and transform.

I love analyzing organizational structures, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, uncovering untapped opportunities, and implementing solutions that make companies work more efficiently. I don’t feel the need to own – what really drives me is the satisfaction of the success I can co-create.

Each of us has a different role in business. Mine is to support and fix – work where specific actions are needed to make something work better. Seeing the success of a team or organization is the greatest reward for me.

Katarzyna Cebulska Bajera, Head of New Business Development at DCX Liquid Cooling Systems

Full-time employment has not become passé, it’s employers that don’t want to hire full-time. Now there are even ads for assistants emphasizing the required form of cooperation – B2B. Entrepreneurs cannot cope with labour costs. Today, a full-time job with a good salary has become a luxury.

Aleksandra Nizińska, Training Manager at EAP24 Employee Assistance Program

It’s also possible to find a full-time job that will be even worse than the stereotypical ‘your own company.’ Just as it’s possible to have your own company and operate without pressure, calmly, with a few selected customers.

Karol Soja, SEO Consultant


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