Summarizing Dozens of Reports in 5 Minutes by Artur Kurasiński


The post was originally published in Polish on Artur’s LinkedIn profile. Artur kindly agreed that we repost what we think is of great value to our readers.

Every week I look through up to a dozen industry reports. See how to review and summarize several dozen of them in 5 minutes in 9 steps:

First, select and look through the ones that interest you the most, then use AI to analyze the rest.

1. Select a tool: 

Each has a free version. Check out Perplexity and if you have the PRO version, try the Solar Large 32K or Claude 3.5 model (Settings → AI Model).

2. Upload PDF files. 

3. If the PDF file is too large, use the Compress PDF tool from Adobe.

4. Enter the instructions. You can start with: You are an expert on [specify topic]. Analyze the [specify name]report step by step. List the most important points about [the topic you’re looking for], the data, and examples from this report.

5. Analyze the results. If the resulting summary is poor, edit the prompt or test another tool.

6. Request links to the use cases listed in the report to verify their validity.

7. Ask about the impact and implications of trends for your job position, company, or industry in which you work.

8. Ask about the impact of the trends you choose on your target audience segments.

9. Ask them to generate ideas for a customer, product, or service based on the trends they choose.

Important: Do not trust the tools 100%. Compare the results against your own knowledge and experience.


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