On January 20th, The Heart is going to be the host of the Warsaw edition of the Blockchain Connect Warsaw
What is Blockchain Connect Warsaw
The future is here. It is being made while you are reading this. Within ten years from now, more than 50% of the global economy will move to Blockchain. On January 20th take the opportunity to see the future in the making, meet its creators and connect to the processes that shape our future lives.
Be the first to learn about most innovative borderless and decentralized Blockchain technology applications. Connect to how technology brings a new level of trust to the world. The conference will gather 150 chosen Blockchain leaders and professionals, representatives of funds and investors. Its goal is to connect most promising Blockchain technology applications with innovative business.
Join BLOCKCHAIN CONNECT – the window to our collective future.
For whom?
BLOCKCHAIN CONNECT is dedicated to everyone who needs to connect to how the economy of the world will look in 1, 3, 5 or 10 years. It will be shaped by Blockchain.
- Investors, looking for opportunities within Blockchain innovations.
- Funds, aiming to develop new technology competencies.
- Banks, preparing themselves for decentralization and the new level of trust.
- Corporations, working on Blockchain adaptations in their business areas.
- Blockchain Professionals that want to broaden their tech perspectives.
- Cryptocurrency Traders, interested in 2018 crypto and ICO horizons.
- Innovation Officers and Managers in need to adjust to the new reality.
- IT and Investment Directors challenged with Blockchain adaptation.
- Developers, working on different Blockchain projects.
- Lawyers reaching into the future legal environment.
- Journalists creating content i.a. on Blockchain business influence.
- General Public wanting to know more about the decentralizing technology.
- Agenda
- 10.00AM Registration
- 10.15AM Welcome: The Heart Warsaw, EY, IOVO
- 10.30AM Opening: Daniel Jeffries
11.00AM EY: Trust for the World of Disruption - 11.15AM Tokenika: Introducing EOS as business oriented platform for decentralised applications
- 11:45AM Panel “The Future of Tokenised Finance: VCs Strategy for Blockchain Investment in Light of ICO success”: Brock Pierce (Bitcoin Foundation), Joshua Huong (exponential.vc), Kamran Khan (Infra-Tech Capital), Dinis Guarda (lifesci), Gerardo Trevino (Paybook)
- 12:45AM Keynote Speach: Brock Pierce
(Bitcoin Foundation, Blockchain Capital)
01:45PM Keynote Discussion - 02:00PM Lunch Break, Networking
02:30PM Speech and Questions: Kamran Khan (Infra-Tech Capital) - 02:55PM Speech and Questions: Gerardo Trevino (Paybook)
- 03:20PM Speech and Questions: Dinis Guarda (lifesci)
- 03:45PM Presentation: IOVO (Internet of Value Omniledger)
- 04:15PM Panel “The Future of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and ICOs”: Brock Pierce (Bitcoin Foundation), Daniel Jeffries, Dinis Guarda (lifesci), Szczepan Bentyn, IOVO
- 05:15PM Discussion and Summary
- 05:45PM Networking
- 06.30PM VIP Investment Roundtables @The Heart Warsaw
- 09.00PM Official VIP Afterparty – “Milosc” Club

Former CEO of ITKeyMedia / Deserted:)