In recent year, CEE countries (Central and Eastern European) have gained a reputation for being technological innovation hubs, housing a large supply of talent. Comparing the current state of affairs with the communist perception from only a few decades back, data journalism portal Investment Monitor investigates why CEE is still relevant when it comes to IT, particularly software, ICT and data development.
ITKeyMedia founder Alexander Morari shares his views on the evolution and outlook region, stating that, like in many other industries, the late-starter principle has given CEE a competitive advantage. “There are dinosaurs in the industry who are powerful but dependent on their old legacy toolboxes and software. So, if CEE companies come along and identify the same problem but use more sophisticated and accessible tools, this helps these companies to not only catch up to these leaders but to outpace them.”
To read more, check out the article on Invest Monitor (How did Central and eastern Europe become a tech hotbed?)

Sabin Popescu works as content editor, web designer/ developer and occasionally graphic designer for various companies and institutions across Eastern Europe and was an IT journalist for Romania’s leading business daily, Ziarul Financiar.