With their stocks now being worth over 1 billion dollars, the game producer CD PROJEKT is the first Polish company to call themselves a ‘unicorn.’ No reason for a party, says Piotr Nielubowicz to ITKeyMedia.
With their stock price being 67% on the rise since the beginning of this year, CD PROJEKT S.A. is without any doubt going through a successful year. However, in the head office in Warsaw, there is little space for celebrating for too long. “We are not your average unicorn,” says Piotr Nielubowicz, CFO. “While in recent days our market cap exceeded 1 billion USD, we are hardly new to this trade. We have been developing video games for 14 years, and GOG.com has celebrated its 8th birthday earlier this year.”
Nielubowicz adds that the company, which in the late ’90s transformed from a game translating company into a game producer after receiving The Witcher’s code due to financial problems of a partner company, has been listed on the stock market for six years. We’re not newbies; he likes to state.
Denying that statement is no option. This year, with The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, the last addition to the Witcher games series, the company has skyrocketed on all levels. According to Nielubowicz, CD PROJEKT has received over 800 awards, but the biggest gain is the financial one. In the first half year of 2016, the company has earned a revenue of 73.6 million, resulting in a net profit of over 30 million. “It is the second best semi-annual period in our history”, Nielubowicz proudly says. “The Witcher 3 elevated us to a whole new level in terms of business activities.” He rushes to underscore that this is not the end. “This proves that CD PROJEKT is not a one-off phenomenon but a dynamically growing company, founded upon a consistent philosophy of uncompromising excellence.”
Last but not least, Nielubowicz can make a promise to the numerous fans of the Witcher series: the highly rewarded third part of the trilogy will be surpassed. “We invest a lot of effort into ensuring that each new release is an improvement upon our earlier games. We believe that The Witcher 3 and its expansions do not represent the high water mark for CD PROJEKT. We have many fresh ideas and the energy to flesh them out.”
Among other projects, CD PROJEKT currently works on an online collectible card game called GWENT, a project that many fans are curious about. Nielubowicz says he’s confident to prove “to both gamers and investors” that their trust in the company is not misplaced.

Radio addict, blogger. working on his 1st book ever.