CEE News April 10, 2016 0 PLN 8M to support Polish R&D commercialization NCBR is launching a new competition to support international expansion of Polish innovation. April, 1st…
CEE News April 6, 2016 0 Fast track to the innovativeness of Polish SMEs NCBR is kicking off “Fast Track” its flagship programme addressed to SMEs PLN 750 million…
Events April 5, 2016 0 BRIdge Alfa – new competition with PLN 450M up for grabs Through its new BRIdge Alfa programme, the NCBR will devote PLN 450 million to strengthen…
CEE News April 3, 2016 0 PLN 87M to deepen business-academia collaboration NCBiR opens Competencies Development Programme aiming to deepen business-academia collaboration. Besides developing communication and teamwork…
CEE News March 25, 2016 0 Millions for innovations in textile sector NCBR is kicking off INNOTEXTILE, a program tailored specifically to textile industry. The most innovative…