The post was originally published in Polish on Artur’s LinkedIn profile. Artur kindly agreed that we repost what we think is of great value to our readers.
How about some free training from the best schools in the world? Below you will find a list of the best courses relevant for the tech world, that you can take without leaving the comfort of your home!
- Harvard’s CS50 Computer Science Course. CS50x is considered one of the best computer science courses. This is an 11-week module based on Harvard University’s largest course called CS50. If you’ve already dabbled in programming and are ready to really understand computer science at a basic level – this course is for you.
- MIT’s Machine Learning Course. In this course, you will learn the basic principles behind machine learning problems such as classification, regression, data clustering, and reinforcement learning. You will learn how to build and study models such as linear models, nuclear systems, neural networks, and graphical models.
- Apple’s Develop For iOS Course. If you love using a Macbook, iPhone or iPad, this is the course for you. The world of Apple applications will be open to you because you will learn Swift, XCode, SwiftUI, UIKit.
- AWS’s Cloud Practitioner Course. This free course will take you straight into the heart of AWS so you can familiarize yourself with the latest features of the AWS cloud. Whether you’re switching platforms or a complete novice, this course is a wonderful starting point for AWS.
- University of Michigan’s Successful Negotiation Course. Whether you’re negotiating with lawyers, employers, landlords, or just a stubborn old uncle, this course will show you the basics for increasing the likelihood of success in your negotiations.
- RIT’s Storytelling in the Workplace Course. This course will allow you to get back to the creative mindset of your childhood (where making history was so natural), but it also teaches you to build a structure that you can use to implement it in your current work environment.
- Bocconi’s Private Equity and Venture Capital Course. This course is designed to give you a deep understanding of the mechanisms underlying the creation and growth of a startup and the financial support it can receive from venture capital investment. It covers all major aspects of finance theory, theory, and practice, such as risk, capital structure, dividend policy, bankruptcy, and fraud.
- Stanford’s Quantum Mechanics Course. This course will give you a solid introduction to quantum mechanics and how to use it in your chosen profession. If you are thinking about further study in this direction, then this course is for you.

Creator, entrepreneur and investor – I write about my experiences with startups, technology and business.