Breakthrough of the year: Olga Malinkiewicz, known also as Polish Edison, is revolutionizing the energy industry by reinventing perovskites. Young scientist created an innovative printing technology that allows for the production of cheap and flexible sheets of these minerals. To commercialize her innovation, Olga has established Saule Technologies. Company is already winning the hearts of global investors and juries of many competitions. It looks like Saule Technologies has what it takes to revolutionize the solar energy market. Thanks to Olga our future will be very bright. Read more…
Samsung Electronics Poland, in partnership with Migam, an online sign language interpretation service, prepared an online customer service center for people with hearing impairments, enhancing their opportunities and their access to digital technologies. Migam also won the first polish edition of Virgin Mobile Academy. Read more…
Walking gets too boring when you learn how to fly. Monika loves IoT, gadgets and she make epic shit happen.