The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) is kicking off TEAM and TEAM-TECH, programs to finance the research of R&D projects related to a new product or production process (technological or manufacturing) of significant importance for the economy. The application deadline for both of them is 15 March 2016.
Addressed to researchers with at least a Ph.D. degree, the main goal of both the TEAM and TEAM-TECH is to improve the human potential in the R&D sector. Pursued by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) and implemented with funding from the Smart Growth Operational Programme (PO IR), the programs focus on innovation and importance for the Polish economy. The funding, on the other hand, is made available to scientific institutions as well as companies. In the first call for applications, the FNP has earmarked a total of more than PLN 54 million for the two programmes.
“We are very pleased that after a time of intensive preparation we can launch the first competitions in the new programmes financed from the PO IR. I am convinced they will create the possibility for the most gifted researchers from Poland and other countries to conduct world-class R&D work in our country. For the first time, the FNP is also offering funding for grants implemented at companies or scientific and industrial consortia”, says Tomasz Poprawka, PhD, deputy director of the FNP’s Programme Division.
In the TEAM programme beneficiaries can receive funding to finance research teams headed by leading scientists from all over the world. The projects, which must be carried out in cooperation with a foreign partner, should involve ground-breaking R&D work of significance for the economy and society that is compatible with the National Smart Specialization list. The TEAM-TECH programme, on the other hand, is intended for leading scientists with experience in the commercialization of scientific research results. Funding for this programme is provided for R&D projects carried out in cooperation with a business partner and involving the development of technology, process or innovative product.
In both programmes, eligible applicants are researchers who have at least a Ph.D., regardless of nationality. The teams they form should also employ students, Ph.D. students and young postdocs. Funding is provided for a period of 3 years (with the possibility of an extension for another two years). The project budget is recommended not to exceed PLN 3,500,000. Among other things, the money can be spent on remuneration, commissioned work (subcontracting), stipends, training courses and traineeships as part of human resources development and a number of other costs linked to the R&D work. The projects may be carried out at research units, companies or scientific and industrial consortia in Poland. This means that support will also be available to companies that have operations in Poland. They can receive even up to 80% of funding for a project on the basis of the rules for providing state aid.
The application deadline in the first call for applications for both programmes is 15 March 2016. Further calls for applications in 2016 will be announced in May and November.
Up to the end of 2019, the Foundation plans to hold a total of 8 competitions each in the TEAM and TEAM-TECH programmes (including this year’s). Funding will go to more than 100 teams which will employ over 1,400 young researchers – students, Ph.D. students and young postdocs.
Calls for applications in other FNP programmes financed with the support of the Smart Growth Operational Programme will be announced in mid-February.

Emilia is an experienced editor, gifted wordsmith, a professional translator, but first of all, an avid reader.