Events June 5, 2015 0 Live: Apple Worldwide Developers Conference Apple’s renowned developer community “Worldwide Developers Conference” will come together to learn about the future of…
Events June 4, 2015 0 Get inspired by Lublin “Prospects in Poland”, a seminar organised by Bluevine Consulting, was held on 28 of April…
Events June 3, 2015 0 IT Future Expo 2015 II edition Get ready for IT Future Expo 2015 The second edition of the biggest IT fair…
eCommerce June 1, 2015 0 Sektor 3.0 What was on the Agenda? The 6th annual meeting of the NGO sector, which took place 27-28 May in Copernicus…
Events May 27, 2015 0 NGOs are getting #MoreDigital Tomorrow will be this year’s edition of Sector 3.0. This year Sektor 3.0 will welcome…
CEE News May 21, 2015 0 Perfect storm M-commerce is growing at a very rapid pace as people tend to switch from computers…
Events May 13, 2015 0 Warsaw’s 3rd primetime was a charm On 27 April 2015, at the National Stadium, was held the third edition of Primetime…
BigData May 11, 2015 0 BigData big advantage and big priority The second edition of Big Data: Think Big CEE Congress, organized by MMC Polska, was…
Events May 8, 2015 0 Get ready for the competition Google Science Fair is a global online science and technology competition that invites students aged…
Events May 5, 2015 0 CEEDS’15 at Sofia European Business Forum on Digital Economy CEEDS’15 by Webit took place on 21-22 April 2015…